Wat Pho Bangkok Thailand             

About Astrology  !.....              

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By Chianese Zodiac For 2013
By Monthly Zodiac For  2013


Astrology Knowledge!.....    
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Job & Money By Zodiac               
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Love & Group Blood

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My Service

By Skype

 or Line Vedio Call.........



       I need infomation or Skype or Line Vedio Call as ollowing ,.................

1.  you sent me your birthday for my preparing first , If it possible sent your picture of your face and both palms for analysis ,... 

           Please you tell me your time for comfortable Skype with me 

( time / Date / Month ) of Japanese time .

           1. Which time ,............

           2. Which time ,...........

           3. Which time ,...........


2. You Skype to me Via Skype ID   :    chatriastrology

                            Your Skype ID   :     .............................

                 My Line ID   :    chatriastrology

                            Your Line ID :    ..........................                                             

3. I sent message to you by Skype for appiontment date and time for Skype to you ( Japanese time )


4. You pay me by credit card " Pay Pay " in my site,....

                                                 50 USD

  :  at Manu  .......  

          " How to Pay "


5. I Skype to you for your fortune teller on the time your appiontmeng ( about 40 minutes )





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